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About Me

I first came to Vermont in 2005 to visit Norwich University and was instantly captivated by the state's natural beauty and sense of community. During my first year at Norwich, I knew that Vermont would one day be my home.


I enlisted in the Vermont National Guard and deployed with the VTARNG in 2010 to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. I graduated from Norwich University in 2012 with a BS in Engineering Management, followed by an MBA concentrated in Construction Management.


I have spent over 10 years in the construction industry, managing a wide variety of projects, including healthcare facilities, industrial and manufacturing plants, utilities, and data infrastructure.


I have also worked in the casualty and disaster recovery sectors, which led to my current role as a licensed independent adjuster, specializing in Natural Resource and Energy Claims. This work has provided me with a unique insight into the challenges facing Vermont's infrastructure and economy.


Beyond my professional career, I am deeply committed to the Colchester community. I have always strived to make Colchester a better place for my family and neighbors. I regularly volunteer with our local Boy Scouts Troop, Cub Scout Pack 655, and local youth recreational sports programs.

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Affordability and Taxes:


  • My priority is to work with other Representatives to pass a Taxpayers Bill of Rights and limit the state’s taxing and spending, which is hurting Vermonters.

  • The latest tax increase has burdened Vermonters with an AVERAGE of 14%! We need to stop the reckless spending in Montpelier and reduce the tax burden on hardworking Vermonters.

  • I will fight to stop legislation that INCREASES needless fees on housing, heating fuels (like the Carbon Tax), and regulatory fees (such as new DMV registration fees). ​

Educational Excellence:


  • We need to get political agendas out of the classroom and repeal non-core curriculum mandates.

  • I will work to loosen the grip of the State Education Board and empower local communities to improve their schools.



Law and Order:


  • I will Support and Fund law enforcement, working to provide better resources for our local police.

  • We must end the catch-and-release bail policies that allow repeat offenders to undermine our communities and put Vermonters at risk.


Our Colchester District: CHI-20

CHI-20 is Colchester Village and the areas east of I-89 including the areas of Fort Ethan Allen up to the Colchester areas of Chimney Corners towards the Sand Bar. 


My Campaign



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